
big-cats-decline-in-numbers USE

Holocaust VECTOR USE

People and companies - Buck Commanders Trophy hunters

People and companies - Extreme Huntress Competition

The Worldwide War on Wildlife

“Like mindless cancer cells on a frenzied march to kill their host some members of the human species are not content merely with raping this planet for personal gain to the point of breaking down all major life-sustaining ecosystems, they must also cause the death of millions of helpless animals to get their twisted kicks.” – Rick Jones

Trophy Hunting in Africa

Many hunters dream of visiting Africa to hunt one of ‘the big five’. Lions are favourites, particularly male lions. Almost all the lions in the wild have now been killed either by poachers or by trophy hunters, so that lions are now rarer than jaguars. So farmed lions are especially bred for the purpose of being shot by hunters in an enclosure in a thoroughly despicable practice called ‘canned hunting’. Hunters pay anything from around $20,000 to $50,000 for the privilege of ‘hunting’ a lion.

Lions, leopards, elephants, rhino, hippos, giraffes, zebra and monkeys are all trophy hunted as are all types of deer and antelope, all varieties of sheep and goats. There are a number of sites on the internet where anyone can buy permits to hunt any particular animal, or hunting holidays with the opportunity to hunt specified animals. For example, there are holidays available in Bolivia, South America, where up to 2,500 purple doves can be shot per day at a cost of $700 a day.

There are many ‘safari’ internet sites for with galleries of picture upon picture of animals alongside their slayers where people can purchase a ‘tag’ or licence to kill just about any type of animal they choose. There are different specialist sites for those who prefer more bizarre, sick and twisted or sadistic methods of killing, such as by remote control on their PC or phone, or by ramming the animal with a jeep, and etc. Many animals killed or ‘hunted’ are farmed for the purpose in game farms across Africa and the USA and increasingly in places like Australia and Canada in a sick practice called ‘canned hunting’. On this particular site they list some animals as hunted in the “Kalahari Desert”.


Rare sub-species are regarded as desirable by many trophy hunters, and commonly fetch tens of thousands of dollars which sets the scene for the extinction of many species.

A small child could work out that if the rarer the animal, the bigger the price tag for hunters to kill it, this is a recipe for disaster.

Trophy hunters - Stupidity sees rare white moose let's kill it

Most trophy hunters are very competitive, and driven to kill an animal that is exceptional in some way, rare, or very large, or magnificent. That is the opposite to what happens in nature, where predators tend to select sick or weak animals.

Hunters are well known to twist the facts for the purposes of propaganda to convince people that what they do is good for conservation, etc. so that they get to control their quarry. Trophy hunters will insist that it is only poachers who are causing a crisis of animals becoming endangered but this is not true. Take the case of elephants, where for some time elephants have been killed at the rate of about 100 a day. Poachers kill about half of that number, about 50 per day. Trophy hunters also kill around 50 elephants a day, about 18,000 a year.

Whether the killing is regarded as legal or illegal, doesn’t really make any difference to the animals who are being killed. The killing is carried out by human beings for monetary gain and/or hedonistic pleasure, just the same. The money from these so-called hunts still ends up in the pocket of unscrupulous businessmen, companies and politicians.

There is a great deal of corruption and governments are often unwilling to take a stand and change the laws to protect animals from those who would abuse and exploit them. Mostly animals whether free range or privately bred have little or no protection by law.  There are not enough people who are willing and able to do anything to protect the animals due to the monumental extent of the problem and the sheer weight of the numbers of animals involved.

To most people the idea of killing animals for pleasure is abhorrent. The problem is that not many people know this is happening. The more people that find out about trophy hunting, the sooner it will be made illegal all over the world.

It is estimated there are around 10,000 game farms in Africa. There are many thousands more in the US, with hundreds in Texas alone, and in other parts of the world including Canada, Australia and New Zealand. In a practice known as canned hunting, animals are bred expressly for the purpose of being ‘hunted’ in high fenced enclosures. These game farms are called game ranches, game reserves, parks, lodges or sanctuaries or some other similar name.

Often presenting themselves as working in conservation, the truth is that as these outfits have nothing to do with conservation. They do have a great deal to do with making money and destroying the often delicate balance of nature. Imbalances are fostered to cater for the demands of the hunters they are catering for. Those imbalances along with the high fences cause devastation to previously healthy local eco-systems.

Well meaning people, especially young people, go to South Africa from all over the world to help at game farms which are posing as wildlife sanctuaries, sincerely believing that they are helping animals and caring for orphans. Usually they are asked to pay large amounts of money in fees, which can be as much as $700 a week. The true purpose of catering for trophy hunters is hidden through careful partitioning of certain areas. The ‘wildlife sanctuaries’  are in fact often lion farms where lions are bred for trophy hunting. The helpers are lied to, and told that the lion cubs were orphaned.

The truth is that lion cubs are usually taken from their mother  to be hand-reared. Usually the cubs are taken very soon after birth, often just a few hours or a day or two, even though lion cubs cannot see or walk for around 10-14 days. Both mother and cub grieve for each other audibly. It has been reported at one large establishment that the mothers were not kept at a sufficient distance from their cubs so they could hear each other, but not see each other, which is terribly cruel.

There is a small window of time of just a few months when farms can charge quite a lot of money per session for the cubs to be petted by tourists. This creates a need for a constant stream of cubs so that lionesses are over-bred but never get to keep their cubs. This is cruel to any animal but particularly to lions which in nature only breed once every two or three years, and the cubs stay with their mother for at least two years during which time they learn how to hunt watching their mother.

At lion farms, young lions can be used for ‘walk with lions’ sessions until they are a year old. Then they will either be kept in cages until they are old enough to be trophy hunted, or sold on to be kept in cages until it is time for them to be ‘hunted’. At which time they will be put into a fenced off piece of land where a hunter will go to kill them. Hunters do not like to admit it, but most lions ‘hunted’ these days are in fact ‘canned’ lions.

Game farms are highly detrimental to the environment as they are separated by high wire fencing which is devastating to wildlife and local ecosystems. The balance of nature is thereby profoundly disturbed, causing multiple problems. Commonly various remedies are introduced which cause more problems than they resolve.

It’s like a nightmarish science-fiction story, too horrible to comfortably comprehend. These are practices that can be the direct cause of turning countryside into post-apocalyptic landscapes, not in the distant future, but in just a few years’ time.

In the USA in particular, adding to the disaster is the crop spraying often via chemtrails, and widespread use of GMOs (genetically modified organisms).

In the USA, Australia and Canada, trophy hunters almost invariably dressed in camouflage – often meeting up in groups or competitions – go ‘varminting’ and commonly kill hundreds of animals in one day. Family hunting or killing competitions are held at various times of the year offering deer hunting with unlimited coyotes, wolves, mountain lions, bears, bobcats, raccoons, or foxes, possums, pocket gophers, even squirrels, and all types of small creatures are also killed in large numbers – and sometimes in very large numbers – by just one person or a small group of people.


The 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation, found that there were 13.7 million hunters in the US in a massive industry worth $90 billion in the US alone. The hunting industry officially employs more than a million people, and unofficially many more. Many hunters and landowners have turned hunting into a full-time occupation, and have created businesses teaching, guiding or accompanying others not so experienced, hosting or providing holidays with opportunities to hunt various animals.

Encouraged by various local systems of awards and trophies, clubs and nationally through more than 80 hunting and outdoors TV programs, particularly on the Outdoor Channel. Many of these hunters get obsessed and spend their spare time, weekends and holidays hunting, often with their whole families, and delight in producing piles of dead bodies to be photographed.

Research and experience has proved that even creatures which are regarded as vermin or ‘varmints’ are essential for healthy ecosystems. Each one has their place and without them things start to wrong.  Man ought not to be interfering with the balance of nature thinking that he knows better as time and time again it has been proved that he doesn’t.

The beautiful video “How Wolves Change Rivers” shows how far from being pests, the presence of wolves contributes in a real and important way to the health of local ecosystems.

Trophy hunters - Cartoon overpopulate the land

‘Extreme Huntresses’

There are groups of people both male and female enthusiastically engaged in various campaigns through the media – especially through syndicated TV programs – to encourage women to compete with men as ‘extreme huntresses’.  These same groups also campaign vigorously to encourage people to teach their children – even very small children of only four or five years old – to hunt and trap animals.

Retailers are of course always ready to help to create a demand for their goods, whether it is the massive selection of guns for children in colours and patterns like “My First Rifle”, or the sophisticated camouflage outfits that hunters just about always wear, some of which are very expensive. Many of the people that hunt are not short of money and often no expense is spared on equipment, outfits and weaponry.

Promoted and fuelled by the hunting retail industry, there is a whole cult celebrity world built around trophy hunters, TV companies, promoting the idea of ‘dream hunts’ including fashionable equipment and clothing which includes infinite variations of camouflage fashion outfits which can be very expensive.

Part of this whole movement, and to some extent, central to it, there are what is sometimes referred to as the ‘dream hunt’ team, centred for the most part on several trophy hunting families. These families are connected to the Safari Club International in Dallas, Texas. Families such as the Knowltons and the Shockeys, where several generations of husbands and wives, grandparents, great grandparents, and small children as young as four are all hunters.

Ringleaders include the Shockey family, with Jim Shockey, his father Hal, and his wife Lil and children, Branlin and Eva Shockey along with her young son. Eva Shockey posted on Facebook “My husband Jason Taylor and I already bought our daughter her own .22 riffle and she is only 6 1/2 months old!!!”

Corey Knowlton famously paid $350,000 for a permit to kill a rhino at a Dallas Safari Club auction, and his parents and his wife also hunt, and their very small children already have guns. Craig Boddington and his wife Donna, Tom Opre and his wife Olivia Nalos Opre, Melissa Bachman, Amanda Lowery, Rebecca Francis and Katey Brandenburg are all well known as ‘huntresses’ involved in the “Extreme Huntress” competitions.

The lifestyle and the outings and events to kill animals are romanticized to seem very attractive and desirable, encouraging people to, say go on a holiday to kill a bear, or to Africa to kill an elephant or a lion, a giraffe, and anything else they would like to kill, as for the right money just about anything is for sale. Hunters can and do go on a holiday to kill not just one animal, but several.

To most trophy hunters souvenirs are a very important part of the hunt, to remind them of the event and to help them to show and tell to friends what happened on their trip. These souvenirs – known as trophies – almost always include a photograph of the hunter next to the dead body of the animal they have killed.

Often the horns and/or other body parts of the animal they kill are also kept as trophies, sometimes the skin will be made into an accessory of some sort by one of the companies offering that service.  Many hunters will pay huge amounts of money to have the body of the animal they have killed transported back home and stuffed. Some have a trophy room to keep these bodies and body parts, to display along with their guns – so sometimes called a gun room – and sometimes includes any awards they have won.

Hunters are known to relish not only trophies of their own killings, but also other people’s, living vicariously through the various objects, pictures and stories, reliving the kill.

One only has to look at the internet site of the Safari Club International to see the large numbers of people involved in competing for these hunting awards in a highly competitive awards system with long hit lists of subspecies of animals all over the world.

Astonishingly many people involved in the hunting industry claim to be Christians.

This article gives an insight into what goes in the world of trophy hunting:

Why trophy hunting must end now

A thriving taxidermy factory in Namibia

There is a series of six books comprising pictures of trophy rooms, which cost from $70 to $120 each

http://www.amazon.com/Great-Hunters-Their-Trophy-Collections/dp/157157428XTrophy hunters - Trophy rooms book

Trophy Hunting

Proof trophy hunters don’t save a single animal

Six grisly facts trophy hunters don’t want you to know

Trophy hunting bow hunting and the Safari Club International

US trophy hunters go to Africa as monsters of death and destruction

Arizona organisation protects canned hunting

Avid hunter claims hunting is kind

Lifestyles of the rich and heartless on Fight for Rhinos blog

End the mockery now of the ongoing slaughter in trophy hunting

Safari Club International worldwide hunting organisation

The Safari Club International on conservation pot calls kettle black

Three developing nations ban hunting to protect vanishing wildlife

List of Safari Club award requirements makes chilling reading

South African ranchers breed mutant animals for trophy hunters

A blast from the past letter to Eric and Donald Trump

Smoke and mirrors the real story of Corey Knowlton’s rhino hunt

World-class scumbag Ted Nugent at it again by Rick Jones

Melissa Bachman and the rape of Africa

5 Q’s with Melissa Bachman of Winchester Deadly Passion

Letter to Extreme Huntress Melissa Bachman from Ben Trovato

Could Kendall Jones be the next Melissa Bachman

An open letter to Kendall Jones femme fatale of African jungle

Conservation group calls out Kendall Jones

Could trophy hunters become donors and preserve wildlife

Hunting for conservation backfires

The myth of trophy hunting as conservation

Five reasons trophy hunting is not conservation

How trophy hunting destroys conservation

Banding together to ban trophy hunting

Evidence against trophy hunting mounts

Zambia cancels all trophy hunting licences

Why the trophy hunting of giraffes should be banned

An activity without a scintilla of justification in civilized society

A rancher hunter and 7th generation Montanan on ethics

What’s wrong with trophy hunting

Outrage as Wisconsin hunter legally kills rare white buck

Christian safari holidays at “Provider for Christ”

Is sport hunting a sin

How killing of wildlife causes social chaos

Hunters shooting themselves and each other in hunting accidents

Top ten retorts to hunters’ fallacies


Half the world’s wildlife has been wiped out in the past 40 years

Extinction of your favorite animal more real than you realize

20,000 species are near extinction is it time to rethink

60 percent of the world’s largest herbivores facing extinction

Decline of top predators is a threat to ecosystems scientists warn

Top carnivores help shape every aspect of their environments

More than three-quarters of large carnivores now in decline

Here’s every single animal that became extinct in the last 100 years

13 species we might have to say goodbye to in 2015

Endangered species in UK decline by 60 per cent in 40 years

How the Western Black Rhino Went Extinct

Study finds hunters depleting lion and cougar populations

Killing coyotes wrong when other measures work

Rip Van Winkle’s annual crow-killing contest in New York

The silencing of the wolves despite the howling of humans

Elephants attack as humans turn up the pressure

First class article on the Taiji dolphin killings in Denmark

Largest commercial slaughter of land-based wildlife on Earth

Due to poaching conservationists advocate sending SA rhinos to Texas

Video Appeals

Video of Princes Charles and William against wildlife crime

Video of Prince William, David Beckham and Yao Ming

Video of Prince William calling to end elephant and rhino poaching

Huffington Post on can the best of British save the world’s wildlife?

The True Value of Trophy Hunting

Trophy hunters - Cartoon economics

Big game hunting in Africa is economically useless

How much does trophy hunting really contribute to African communities

Economic benefits of trophy hunting are overstated

Trophy hunting is almost worthless to economic development

Big game hunting and its contribution to conservation

Should animals be trophy hunted to support conservation

Why big game hunting does not help conservation

Public lands ranching the scourge of wildlife

Big game hunting in Africa is economically useless

How much does trophy hunting really contribute to African communities

Economic benefits of trophy hunting are overstated

Trophy hunting is almost worthless to economic development

Big game hunting and its contribution to conservation

Should animals be trophy hunted to support conservation

Why big game hunting does not help conservation

Public lands ranching the scourge of wildlife

Biological arguments against hunting


Nearly a century ago, there were as many as 200,000 lions living in the wild in Africa. The most recent surveys estimate that there are around 25,000 lions living in the wild in Africa today.  They have vanished from over 80 percent of their historic range and currently exist in 28 countries in Africa and one country in Asia (India).

Lions are already extinct in 27 out of 55 countries in Africa. Only 7 countries: South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and are believed to each contain more than 1,000 lions.  In West Africa there are believed to be only 250 lions left in the wild in the whole of the region.

There are thought to be around 10,000 lions in prison camp conditions in game farms across Africa.  Captive bred lions have a miserable life where lion cubs are taken away from their mother shortly after birth for a life in prison camp conditions where they are prostituted to tourists for walking and petting until they are a year old when they become fodder for trophy hunters.

12 facts about lions that will make your blood boil NEW

To warn people about PETTING LION CUBS AND WALKING WITH LIONS please SHARE this link

Walking with lions con or conservation

This is why trophy hunting will not save our lions

South African breeders embrace growing Asian demand for lion bones

The end of canned trophy hunting

Canned hunting in the United States

Sanwild Lion Rescue short article on why canned hunting is wrong

Global roar against South African canned lion hunting

Did Melissa Bachman and her friends shoot your lion cub

Tourists lured to South Africa to take part in shameful trophy hunts

South African farmers in canned hunting smuggling racket

The horrors of canned lion hunting by Gareth Patterson

Canned hunting a violent recreational activity for wealthy bored people

Canned hunting business in Africa

Why canned hunting is a threat to our national interests

Is canned lion hunting a necessary evil

The horror of canned lion hunting and what you can do to stop it

What’s worse than shooting fish in a barrel hunting lions that way

How the lid was lifted on canned lions

Lions in Danger of Extinction

Lions are now the new endangered species

American trophy hunters drive African lions closer to extinction

Lions are critically endangered in West Africa

The Times of India on West African lions critically endangered

BBC News on lions facing extinction in West Africa

National Geographic on lions approach extinction in West Africa

African lions under threat from the American hunters

American trophy hunters drive African lions closer to extinction

How American trophy hunters are destroying our wildlife

A lion’s story, an interview with filmmakers of The Last Lions

Why killing a lion is the most cowardly thing you can do

Why are we still hunting lions and how can we save them

How to turn big profits in the wildlife trade

The king of beasts not burgers and the lion meat trade in the US

Restaurants in US serving lion meat


The global population of tigers has fallen nearly 97% in the last century so that now there are thought be only 2,500 tigers left in the whole world. Of the 9 sub-species of tiger, 3 are already extinct, and all of the remaining 6 sub-species are now endangered, some critically so.

Tigers are being farmed in China and Vietnam where they are kept in conditions similar to – or in some cases worse than – concentration camps. These tigers have been born into captivity so they have never been taught how to hunt so that they can never be released into the wild.  As the tigers are only required for their skin and bone they are starved and horrendous pictures can be seen of this on Google and in this article:

Chinese and Vietnamese Farms where tigers are starved

Lions - Tiger and Jaguar trophy hunted


Of the 280 species of monkeys, nearly half are now threatened with extinction according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) http://cms.iucn.org/.

Primates are also trophy hunted.  Each year many thousands lose their homes through deforestation and if they are not killed during the process of deforestation which is common practice, they die from starvation afterwards as the land is stripped bare so that what was a thriving forest is turned into a wasteland.

Nevetherless despite the many thousands of monkeys that die this way each year, the biggest threat to primates is not deforestation but something known as the bushmeat crisis. Many types of animals are killed for food but primates are often the meat of choice. Driven by a deadly combination of some greedy and some desperate people, the bushmeat crisis has rapidly spread to places where it was previously unknown.

The bushmeat crisis

Deforestation and palm oil

Slavery is driving apes to extinction

Fighting to save Africa’s richest rainforest

Over-hunting endangers tree species in Asia and Africa

Your supermarket is selling rain forest destruction

Say no to deforestation and palm oil

Ivory, charcoal funds criminal, terror groups

Blowing the lid off the horrific wildlife trafficking in the US


The case for the end of the modern zoo: an important debate

Daily Mail on thousands of zoo animals killed in Europe yearly

Marius the giraffe was not the only animal zoos have culled

Psychology Today on zoothanasia is not euthanasia

Zoothanasia is not euthanasia and words do matter

Healthy young zoo animals killed zoothanasia redux

Guardian on Copenhagen zoo has now killed four lions

Daily Mail on Danish Zoo faces criticism for euthanizing four lions

CAPS Captive Animal Protection Society say thousands killed annually

BBC News on how many healthy animals do zoos put down

Zoos in Europe kill 5000 healthy animals a year

CNN on Copenhagen Zoo’s arguments that they were right

CNN on why arguments for killing don’t stand up to scrutiny

Factory Farming

Nowadays two in three animals worldwide are factory farmed

Why factory farming is even worse than you thought

Rabbit Advocacy Network


Research decodes prairie dogs communicating about humans

Prairie dog language decoded by scientists

Chasing Dr Doolittle – learning the language of animals

Chimps relocated to another country now bilingual

You won’t believe the sound made by baby rhino

Compassion in conservation don’t be cruel to be kind

Hunting for euphemisms and how we excuse killing

Committee to abolish sports hunting and trapping findings

Wildlife in a can humorous article

Vegetarians have better mental health less moods and stress

Worms in deer meat

Bald eagles are dying of lead poisoning and hunters are to blame

Common justifications for eating animals hunting

24 Things That Kill More People Than Sharks In America

BBC poll: Germany most popular country in the world

Bears - Polar 07

Pictures of polar bear playing more like a teddy bear

Science proves that animals have feelings

Animals are as with it as humans scientists say

Animals are conscious and should be treated as such

Fish are sentient and emotional beings clearly feel pain

15 amazing things your dog can sense about you

15 endangered species that are still on the menu

13 animals hunted to extinction

10 of the cutest endangered species

Beware of Animal Charity Scams

There are many false animal charities where the animals are receiving as little as 0.5% or less of the charitable donations received and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is one of them.

What really happens to the billions YOU donate to charity

The Truth about HSUS [YesBiscuit!]

Many people believe that the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is an umbrella organization for the local animal shelters of similar names across the country. This is incorrect. In fact, although HSUS has an annual budget of more than $100 million, it only gives approximately 1% of its money to shelters which actually care for pets. HSUS is involved in many activities – primarily lobbying for legislation which is often anti-breeder and anti-pet in my view – as well as animal cruelty investigations. But let’s be clear – HSUS does not operate a single animal shelter in this country. Any animals HSUS rescues via a cruelty bust are cared for by other groups who actually operate shelters or rescues and very likely receive no financial assistance from HSUS. The shelters and rescues who actually care for homeless and abused pets rely on your donations to help them provide this care. If you donate to HSUS, you are not helping the shelter pets in your community.HSUS has a history of deceptive fund raising tactics which cash in on the public’s misperception that donating to HSUS directly helps shelter pets. If you want to donate to a group that cares for the homeless pets in your community, find your local no kill shelter here. Better yet, stop by with some canned food or treats for the pets at your local no kill shelter and see for yourself how the animals are cared for.  Know where your donated money is actually going and how it will be used.  Knowledge is power.

HSUS sends $26,000,000 to the Caribbean but little to pet shelters

Shelter charity scams

The Truth about PETA [Nathan Winograd]

The numbers are in. In 2011, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) impounded 760 dogs. They killed 713 of them. Only 19 were adopted. An additional 36 of them were transferred to kill “shelters” where their fates and the fates of those animals they displaced are unknown. In 2011, they impounded 1,211 cats. 1,198 were put to death. A paltry 5 of them were adopted and another 8 were transferred to kill “shelters” where their fates and the fates of those animals they displaced are unknown. They also took in 58 other companion animals, including rabbits. 54 were put to death. Only 4 were adopted. All told, 2,029 companion animals were impounded. 1,965 were put to death. Only 28 were placed in homes.

That’s a 97% rate of killing. If the animals transferred to kill shelters were themselves killed or displaced other animals who were then killed to take in the ones from PETA, the death toll could be as high as 99% (2,009 of the 2,029 animals they impounded). Only 1% were adopted into homes. While the No Kill movement is having unparalleled success and with No Kill communities now dotting the American landscape—in California, Nevada, Michigan, Kentucky, New York, Texas, Virginia, and elsewhere—PETA continues to be little more than a slaughterhouse.

About 97% of the money given to certain charities never even gets there at all but goes into the pockets of corrupt lawyers. The figures are shocking.


America’s 50 worst charities exposed

The World Wildlife Fund

Also known Worldwide Fund for Nature, WWF has been actively pressuring government agencies in the US, Europe, and Canada to increase the amount of testing that they require for pesticides and other chemicals. The result of the WWF’s lobbying has been the establishment of what threatens to be the largest animal-testing programs of all time.

And that’s not all. As one would expect of an organization founded by trophy hunters, the WWF does not oppose killing animals for sport.

The WWF believes that culling – read “killing” – elephants and seals is acceptable, supports the slaughter of whales by native tribes, refuses to speak out against steel-jaw leghold traps, and is in favour of laboratory testing.

To find out why PETA says WWF ought to change its name to Wicked Wildlife Fund click here:

Wicked Wildlife Fund


Elephant Charities and the Good the Bad and the Ugly

Reputable Charities

A list of links for reputable charities can be found in the sidebar to the left.

Research how charities spend your cash

Animal Charity Evaluators

Good Charities Guide by category

Good Charities Guide A-Z listing

The NAVS Good Charities Guide lists charities according to whether they fund animal experimentation. You can order our compact pocket-sized version which contains key information or view the full guide online.

NAVS Good Charities Guide do your donations fund animal experiments

Guidestar non-profit directory

Compassion Fatigue

Compassion fatigue is not a mental illness. It is the name of a group of symptoms that helping professionals may experience as a normal occupational hazard of their work. Compassion fatigue does not always lead to depression. Depression is a mental illness and has many causes. While they are sometimes connected, compassion fatigue and depression are not the same. However, both deserve our attention and anyone suffering from either should be encouraged to seek help. Also it is possible that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be involved.

Recognizing compassion fatigue

Compassion fatigue awareness project

When helping hurts

Pawcurious – We love you to death

The fatal epidemic of animal care workers that no one is talking about

VetGirl – Suicide awareness in veterinary medicine webinar

University of Buffalo School of Social Work – Self-Care Starter Kit

Rollin’ with Rubi – Still I am one

My own experiences – Self care is not optional

TIME – The mystery of suicide and how to prevent it

Suicide hotline

Helpline offers support for burned out animal activists

Hunters or Psychopathic Serial Animal Killers

Should hunters shoot does with fawns

Hunting guide pleads guilty to maiming animals

Hunter starts massive fire costing $125 million repeatedly lying

Hunter kills six and injures two on hunting trip

Are trophy hunters psychopaths

Is trophy hunting a form of serial killing by Gareth Patterson

Alois Huber Austrian hunter who killed three police officers

Trophy hunting and links to murder and small male genitalia

The psychology and thrill of trophy hunting

Psychology Today on recreational hunting

Psychology Today on trophy hunting by Donald Trump’s sons

Psychology Today on stalking, hunting, stress and emotion

Hunters vs serial killers

What’s with the thrill of the kill

The most unlikely victims of trophy hunting are children

Shocking pictures of the world’s worst parents

More shocking pictures of the world’s worst parents

What is the definition of insanity

List of the characteristics of psychopaths

Do psychopaths enjoy other people’s fear or just not notice

Without conscience the disturbing world of psychopaths by Robert Hare

Robert Hare’s website devoted to the study of psychopathy

Step by step pattern of a serial killer

Psychology Today on what is a psychopath

Psychopath sociopath or biosocial pathology

Six obstacles to a successful relationship with a psychopath

What makes a serial killer tick

Animal abuse indicates high risk of psychopathic disorder

The FBI classify animal abuse as top felony

The FBI upgrades animal cruelty to Class A Felony

The FBI makes animal cruelty a top-tier Felony to help track abuse

The FBI stepping up to protect abused animals

Is it offensive to compare the Holocaust with the meat industry?

Thank you for visiting.

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Before it's too late….